The Consolation of Children
In the wake of his death, the two survivors of English ventriloquist, Arthur Worsley (1920-2001) incorporate his dummy into their daily lives as a surrogate family member. Loveable, terrifying, covered in goat skin, the puppet 'Charlie Brown' develops deeper and deeper meaning for Arthur's elderly widow and his adult son Michael as both grow older in the declining resort town of Blackpool. A minature portrait of a remarkable family never before captured on film.
- Year
- 2009
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 11 mins 36 secs
- Format
- 16mm Col.
- Director
- Patrick Cunningham
- Producer
- The London Film School
- Co-Producer
- The London Film School
- Editor
- Giacomo Cimini
- Director of Photography
- Yi-Wen Yeh
- Sound
- Giacomo Cimini
- Principal Cast
- Michael Worsley, Audrey Worsley and archive footage provided courtesy of SOFA Entertainment and the Ed Sullivan Estate
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 20th November 2008