The Engineer
Israel Ticas is the only criminologist working in one of Latin America’s most dangerous countries: El Salvador. He’s made it his mission to find the hundreds of missing teenagers who have fallen victim to the country’s brutal gang conflict. The mothers of the disappeared affectionately call him The Engineer. But for The Engineer, death no longer evokes fear. Death is his every day, it has become his art. He calls the bodies he finds “friends” and his office walls are a macabre tribute to them all. Through the eyes of The Engineer this film offers a unique insight into the fight against gang murders in El Salvador.
- Year
- 2014
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 94 mins
- Director
- Juan Passarelli, Mathew Charles
- Producer
- Mathew Charles, Juan Luis Passarelli
- Editor
- Juan Luis Passarelli
- Screenwriter
- Mathew Charles, Juan Luis Passarelli
- Director of Photography
- Juan Luis Passarelli
- Music
- Bacteria Soundsystem Crew, Saraguate.
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 7th April 2014