The Happy Man Tree
Have you ever fallen in love with a tree?
When the residents of the Woodberry Down Estate in Hackney, London, find out that a property developer has been given permission to fell a much-loved 150-year-old London Plane street tree - which even has its own name, the 'Happy Man Tree' - they start a campaign to try to save it. The film charts the ups and downs of the nine-month David and Goliath battle from the point of view of the brave and endlessly creative local activists who range from 7-year-old Lucas to 82-year-old Sylvia who has lived on the estate for 60 years. This is an innovatively-made grassroots-style film with the charismatic Happy Man Tree as its central character.
- Year
- 2022
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 75 min
- Format
- Digital Video
- Director
- Katy McGahan 1st Feature
- Producer
- Katy McGahan
- Editor
- Katy McGahan
- Director of Photography
- Katy McGahan
- Sound
- Tim Garrett
- Music
- Phil Ward (of the LoFidelity Allstars)
- Colourist
- James Phillips
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 14th November 2022