The Lovers and Fighters Convention
The Lovers and Fighters Convention tells the story of one night at London's legendary Transfabulous Arts Festival. In the wake of the Queen signing into law The Gender Recognition Act in the mid-noughties, a community developed of people who wanted to recognise a new culture in the UK, a culture of 'transness' - artistic work that developed around gender.
The Transfabulous Arts Festival became a lightning rod for these ideas. This observational documentary shows just one night at this festival in 2008.
- Year
- 2009
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 66 mins
- Format
- Digibeta
- Director
- Mike Wyeld
- Producer
- Jason Elvis Barker, Serge Nicholson
- Co-Producer
- Jason Elvis Barker, Serge Nicholson
- Editor
- Ben Scott, Megan Frazer
- Director of Photography
- Emma Bailey
- Production Designer
- Melissa Magna
- Sound
- Chopin Gard, Adele Fletcher
- Music
- Jessica Lauren, Chopin Gard, Tom O' Tottenham, Mike Wyeld
- Principal Cast
- Jason Elvis Barker, Jet Moon, Josephine Wilson, Dr. Jane, Ingo, Tom O' Tottenham
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 30th November 2009