The Mad Axeman
Taking place over 10 days in the lead up to Christmas, 1966 and based on a true story. Infamous gangsters the Kray twins sprung Frank Mitchell (aka 'The Mad Axeman') from Dartmoor prison. Frank went into hiding in East London in a flat on the Barking Road with just a hostess and minder for company, whilst a national manhunt ensued for him and his capture.
As Christmas fast approaches, the characters locked in the flat become desperate, fearful and suspicious. At the behest of the Krays, Frank writes to the Home Secretary, and his case is debated in the Houses of Parliament. If he receives a parole date, he will agree to hand himself back in. This offer is declined and Frank becames a liability.
Frank falls in love with the hostess 'Lisa', and the dysfunctional family enjoy a final Christmas Eve dinner. On Christmas day, Frank thinks he is leaving the flat to go to the countryside and to be the Kray's right hand man. In fact he is taken outside, put in a van and shot multiple times.
- Year
- 2016
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 106 mins
- Format
- arri alexa
- Director
- William Kerley 1st Feature
- Producer
- Rebecca Long
- Co-Producer
- Stella Nwimo
- Executive Producer
- Ian Davies
- Editor
- Kant Pan
- Screenwriter
- Gill Adams
- Director of Photography
- Luke Jacobs
- Production Designer
- Ian Hammond
- Sound
- Blair Jollands
- Music
- Blair Jollands
- Principal Cast
- Diarmaid Murtagh, Morgan Watkins, Elen Rhys
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 12th November 2016