The Myth of the Amphisbaena
The Amphisbaena, a mythological creature coined by Borges, is a snake with a head at both ends. Joined at the head by 36 feet of artificial hair for 8 days, two artists attempt to chart a journey through London, questioning the relationship between dependency and domination as the 'creature' tries to reconcile itself with its paradoxical nature, like siamese twins joined by an umbilical chord of hair.
- Year
- 2000
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 6 mins
- Format
- Betacam Sp
- Director
- Miranda Bowen, Amanda Spice
- Producer
- Miranda Bowen
- Editor
- Douglas Bryson
- Director of Photography
- Jonathan Harvey
- Sound
- Miranda Bowen, Amanda Spice
- Music
- Vladimir Ivanoff
- Principal Cast
- Miranda Bowen, Amanda Spice
- Screen Writers
- Miranda Bowen, Amanda Spice
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 26th November 2005