The Nine Lives of Tomas Katz
The last day of creation. A stranger arrives in London. No one knows who he is or where he has come from. By the time he leaves, the entire universe will have been erased.
The Nine Lives of Tomas Katz is a black comedy about the Apocalypse.
A manhole opens just outside the M25, London's orbital motorway. A man crawls out. He wears clothes from another century, his face is pale and strange. His name is Tomas Katz.
By the motorway, he hails a taxi. After a brief discussion with the taxi driver, something strange happens . . . Tomas Katz is now dressed as the Taxi Driver and is driving the cab. The Taxi Driver is dressed as Tomas Katz, and is standing on the hard shoulder.
Tomas Katz, dressed as the taxi driver, heads into the centre of London.
Outside the Ministry of Fisheries, the Tomas Katz-Taxi Driver picks up the Minister and takes him to a press conference. By the time they arrive at their destination, the Minister has transformed into the Taxi Driver, and Tomas Katz has become the Minister.
As the Minister, he enters the press conference and declares war on the Middle East.
- Year
- 2000
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 89 mins
- Format
- 35mm
- Director
- Ben Hopkins
- Producer
- Hans Geissendörfer
- Editor
- Alan Levy
- Screenwriter
- Ben Hopkins
- Director of Photography
- Julian Court
- Sound
- Andy Shelley
- Music
- Dominick Scherrer
- Principal Cast
- Thomas Fisher, Ian McNeice, Tim Barlow, Janet Henfrey
Production status
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Last updated 26th November 2005