A sci-fi pseudo-docu drama exploring the dark realms of the human mind. The story follows three strangers who - based on a 1997's psychological experiment on the bonds of friendship - are about to become friends for life, separated only by 36 questions...
Official Selection Carmarthen Bay Film Festival 2022
- Year
- 2021
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 20 min 5 sec
- Director
- Péter Engelmann
- Producer
- Péter Engelmann, Janka Gyapai
- Editor
- Péter Engelmann
- Screenwriter
- Péter Engelmann
- Director of Photography
- Csaba Bántó
- Production Designer
- Janka Szécsényi
- Sound
- Zoltán Kadnár
- Music
- Sam Dinley
- Principal Cast
- Lili Vetlényi, József S. Kovács, Dániel Gaál, Lilla Kovács, Dávid György Zoltán
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 1st February 2022