Turtle: The Incredible Journey
Turtle: The Incredible Journey is the true story of a little loggerhead turtle, as she follows in the path of her ancestors on one of the most extraordinary voyages in the natural world.
Born on a beach in Florida, she rides her life current, the Gulf Stream, up towards the Arctic and ultimately swims around the entire North Atlantic before returning to the beach where she was born. But the odds are stacked against her making it; just one in ten thousand turtles survive the 25-year journey.
Based on the true story of our loggerhead’s remarkable voyage, her epic journey is one of immense beauty – from swimming with great pods of humpback whales riding the Gulf Stream north to witnessing the greatest celebration of life in the Azores; but it is also a story of change as powerful forces are altering her ocean world.
When she finally returns to the shores of Florida, 25 years have passed. But will her beach still be there?
Turtle: The Incredible Journey has all the ingredients of a great epic; suspense, adventure and hope as finally, under a million stars, she returns to her beach to give birth to a new generation.
- Year
- 2009
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 80 mins
- Format
- HD
- Director
- Nick Stringer 1st Feature
- Producer
- Tradewind Pictures, Allegro Film
- Co-Producer
- Tradewind Pictures, Allegro Film
- Editor
- Richard Wilkinson, Sean Barton
- Director of Photography
- Rory Mc Guinness
- Production Designer
- Marine Film Design
- Music
- Henning Lohner
- Script by
- Melanie Finn
- Narrator
- Miranda Richardson
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 1st December 2008