Focusing on the work of Carol Buckley (Elephant Aid International (EAI) and her team, who aims to enhance captive elephant welfare in Nepal showing, by gentle persuasion and example, that there is a better way to treat elephants in human captivity.
Buckley's is a phased, pragmatic approach to change attitudes; encouraging co-operation, not a confrontation between Nepalese elephant handlers (mahouts) and their ‘essential’ elephant assets, upon which the mahouts rely to sustain themselves in an environment bereft of other options. Buckley promotes co-operation between man and elephant by positive reinforcement, not dominance and cruelty – indeed a better way.
The film posits, that as we should all know, working in co-operation will always yield a better longer-term result for all parties concerned, engendering mutual respect and loyalty. And yet, dominance, intimidation, threats and violence yields results of a different kind - breeding contempt, duress, leading ultimately to the mental and physical destruction of the abused party. The human abuser can also become conflicted with shame and a need for atonement, but with some are sadly lacking any such compassion of course.
- Year
- 2016
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 78 mins
- Format
- Digital
- Director
- Alex C. Rivera 1st Feature
- Producer
- Leticia Ruiz
- Co-Producer
- Alex C. Rivera
- Executive Producer
- Antonio Arjona
- Editor
- Alex C. Rivera
- Screenwriter
- Alex C. Rivera
- Director of Photography
- Leticia Ruiz
- Music
- Sascha Blank, Javier Rodriguez
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 5th April 2017