War, Love, God and Madness
The year is 2007, four years after the fall of Saddam. A young man travels home to Baghdad, inspired and eager to fulfil his obligation to his family and friends who have been waiting many years for his return.
On the journey we recount the trials and tribulations that faced the young man and his group of friends in their pursuit to make a dream come true. War, Love, God & Madness recounts the heroic tales of a group of young men filled with hope to rebuild Iraq through hope and culture. In 2003 the air is filled with the possibility of change and new beginnings, after 25 years of tyranny under Saddam, whilst still the scent of gunpowder looms in the air. This is a story which shows us a side of Iraq we won't see on the news.
- Year
- 2008
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 73 mins
- Format
- DV
- Director
- Mohamed Al-Daradji
- Producer
- Isabelle Stead, Mohamed Al-Daradji, Atia Al-Daradji
- Editor
- Danny Evans
- Screenwriter
- Mohamed Al-Daradji
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 10th March 2008