White Elephant (nzoku ya pembe)
A documentary about the Central Post-Office and its employees in Kinshasa, DR Congo. This relic of the colonial past has trapped its employees in a frozen timewarp from which they are planning their escape. From past to present, through the cracks in the walls, we glimpse present-day Congo. http://www.white-elephant-film.com
- Year
- 2011
- Type of film
- Shorts
- Running Time
- 34 mins
- Format
- Director
- Kristof Bilsen
- Producer
- Kristof Bilsen
- Editor
- Eduardo Serrano
- Screenwriter
- Kristof Bilsen
- Director of Photography
- Kristof Bilsen
- Sound
- George Lingford
- Music
- Jon Wygens
Production status
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Last updated 3rd July 2012