Who is Dayani Cristal?
An anonymous body in the Arizona desert sparks the beginning of a real-life human drama. The search for identity leads us back across a continent to seek out the people left behind and the meaning of a mysterious tattoo. http://www.resistnetwork.com/films/dayani_cristal
- Year
- 2013
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 80 mins
- Director
- Marc Silver 1st Feature
- Producer
- Thomas Benski, Gael García Bernal, Lucas Ochoa, Marc Silver
- Executive Producer
- Dan Cogan, Lilly Hartley, Teddy Leifer, Jess Tarrant
- Editor
- Martin Singer, James Smith-Rewse
- Screenwriter
- Mark Monroe
- Director of Photography
- Pau Esteve, Marc Silver
- Sound
- Vanesa Lorena Tate
- Music
- Leonardo Heiblum
- Principal Cast
- Gael García Bernal
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 7th March 2012