You, Me, Garbage and Picasso
This feature length documentary, filmed over nearly three years, follows the renowned artist Vik Muniz and a group of landfill scavengers on an emotional journey from the America's biggest garbage dump in Rio de Janeiro to the most prestigious auction houses and museums in the world via the alchemic transformation of garbage into art. Vik's initial objective was simply to 'paint' the people with garbage, however his journey with the scavengers takes him beyond the limits of what art can achieve.
- Year
- 2010
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 85 mins
- Format
- 35mm
- Director
- Karen Harley, Joao Jardim, Janaina Tschape 1st Feature
- Producer
- Hank Levine, Peter Martin
- Co-Producer
- Hank Levine, Peter Martin
- Executive Producer
- Fernando Meirelles
- Editor
- Karen Harley
- Director of Photography
- Dudu Miranda, Heloisa Passos
- Music
- O Grivo
- Principal Cast
- Vik Muniz, Tião, Isis, Suellem, Magna, Irmã, Carlão, Zumbi
- Sound Editor/Mixer
- Denilson L Campos, Solo Audio Estúdio
Production status
Please let us know if we need to make any amendments to this Film entry mailing us directly at
Last updated 4th December 2009