Zoned In
It wasn't exactly a promising childhood. An impoverished father at fifteen, Daniel joined the family business, becoming a drug dealer despite watching his two brothers jailed for the same crime. But when his mother narrowly escapes a prison sentence, and moves the family from North Carolina to the South Bronx, Daniel is given a fresh start. At Taft High School, one of the most violent, notorious high schools in the nation, Daniel discovers that education can give him a future away from poverty and crime. Mature beyond his years, and increasingly articulate, he becomes a dedicated student, not only is he the first of his family to graduate high school, but he wins a scholarship to one of the most elite universities in the US.
Just as he thinks the world is his oyster, Daniel falters. A fish out of water he feels alienated not only by his white classmates, but even more so by his middle-class black ones. Filmed over nine years by director Daniela Zanzotto, and narrated by Daniel himself, this is a remarkable portrait of a self-believer determined to steer his own path in life.
- Year
- 2009
- Type of film
- Features
- Running Time
- 90 mins
- Format
- Mini DV
- Director
- Daniela Zanzotto
- Producer
- Colin Pons
- Co-Producer
- Colin Pons
- Editor
- Dominique Lutier
- Director of Photography
- Daniela Zanzotto
- Sound
- Daniela Zanzotto
- Music
- Christopher Grande Jr
Production status
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Last updated 27th November 2008